Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cole Matthews a troubled Minneapolis teenager has been getting in trouble with the law for as long as he can remember. His latest crime has been beating a kid near death, and is now facing jail time. However there has been a suggestion to put him into a program called circle justice. This program would give him the chance to avoid jail and serve his time banished on an Alaskan island alone for a year. The first few days he is there, he burns down the shelter and supplies, tries to escape, and is mauled by a legendary bear. So my question to you is which would you have chosen? Knowing that both would be hard, would you take the second chance and live a year alone on an island or go through trial get a sentence, and go to jail for who knows how long?


  1. I would take the chance and go live on the island alone for a year. I don't think I would be able to stay in a jail.

  2. I think that I would take the second chance and live a year alone on an island rather that go through trail, get a sentence and go to jail for who knows how long. The reason why I say this is because I know for sure that I can't survive in jail, I wouldn't be myself. Being on an island all alone is very lonely but I can have time to think. Time to think about the things I've done and also a great time to be on my own. Also trying to survive the out come of nature will be something really intresting.

  3. If I was in Cole Matthews situation, I would choose to live a year alone on an island. I believe that both choices are hard, but this is a second chance to making what you did wrong to right. I feel like no matter what Cole try to do on this island, he will come to realize that living a year alone on an island will never be as bad as sitting in a jail cell which will be years and seem like forever. For me, I believe I would drive myself crazy in a jail cell. Cole Matthew got lucky than most teen in his situation and should take this situation into a life learning lesson.

  4. I would rather live on an island only if i was able to survive. There would have to be some type of food and water source. I wouldnt want to go to jail because alot of stuff might happen in jail and you have no freedom what so ever.

  5. If it were up to me I think I would rather live alone for a year on a deserted island over having to go through a trial and ending up with an unknown sentence. If I were to go to jail I would still be alone for maybe even longer, whereas on an island alone you would still somewhat have a sense of freedom. Although it would be difficult to live on my own and would get lonely I still think this would be better than spending and unknown sentence alone in a jail cell.

  6. I would probably go get stuck on an island for a year alone. I would go on the island because it could teach on how to survive by myself and be independent. If I was to go to jail I could get picked on or beat up by other jailers.

  7. I would definitely be alone instead of jail time. Both sound pretty awful to be honest but I just couldn’t do that whole jail time thing. Though I do feel doing a jail would have more of impact and hopefully stop someone from breaking the law again. But being alone on an island I believe would really have an intense re-awakening, “new me” sense. Yes I would probably die being left to fend for myself, but I feel like I would also get killed in jail. I'd rather be able to be free and walk around then be locked up.

  8. Those both are very hard to choose. But for me, I would go to the trial and get sentenced for who knows how long. The reason is because I would rather be punished and face the consequences of my actions then spend a year by myself on an island.

  9. If I were put in that situation I would choose to take the second chance and live on the island alone. Living on an island isolated from the world would be good for me. Unlike jail where you are surrounded by people, you can really take the time to processes your own thoughts and actions. You may even find something new about yourself. I do think living on the island would be harder, but it would be more of an adventure, you would be put to the test more often. On the island you also have a sense of freedom you would have never had before.

  10. I would rather take my chances alone on the island. It would be much shorter than going to jail, and I wouldn't have to go through the trial. The process of going to jail, I believe, would be much harder than the actual sentence because the anticipation. Hopefully, when I got to the island, I wouldn't be unfortunate enough to burn down my one and only shelter and would be able to survive the year.

  11. I would take the second chance and live alone for a year than going to jail. I would choose to live alone because I don’t think I can handle being in jail. I think that a year alone, I would a very long time to myself and would learn more. I think during that time, I would be able to learn what I really want from life or even other way to face challenges in life other than what I have been doing. What is important to me and life?

  12. I would take the second change and live alone for a while. I think if he was problems with people been alone will help him understand the meaning of friendships. He would want to have a better relationship with others and respect them. I think he will reflect on what he has done to people. For me I think I wouldn’t have the ability to be in jail for a long time I would take any second change.

  13. I would go to the island for a year because than I would at least know how long I would be gone for and realistically a year is not that long.
